Now Relevant is the latest search engine on the internet.
It's called "Now Relevant". This search engine looks at what subject you type in and looks at the most relevant information over the last 14 days.
When you are searching for a term on Google it usually give, the Amazon results, CNN results and location, really the big search engine results, but you actually want to know about a new product that has just been released and you hunt and hunt for the relevant information.
this is where "Now Relevant" is absolutely fantastic, fast and immediate results on the topic you want to know about.
Take a look at the video below and this helps explain the great feature of Now Relevant, the latest search engine now available.
About NowRelevant
By using advanced cloud computing algorithms, the worldwide software project known as "The Internet Time Machine", when flipped around, is also a high powered search engine that is now opened up to the public. is the link to The Internet Time Machine's backend search engine that give you every written word about a subject for the past 14 days. It monitor millions of sources and feeds to give you the most up to date and pertinent information on your subject. With the historical clutter that permeates the web (not all of the html pages are clutter, but much of it is irrelevant now) we decided to set up a complex system of filtering and algorithms to give you just discussions and information about your subject for the past 14 days only.
Contemporary Search Engines including the likes of Google, Yahoo!, AskJeeves and BING have all been presenting the internet masses with most recent 'additions' to the web database, and have concerned themselves with making the most valuable of these new daily additions available to the public on a minute by minute, day to day basis. Such valuable resources include the latest running media information from blogs, news resources etc. Each of these search engines has set their own criteria to evaluate the desirability of a piece of information on the web, criteria being assessed through various search algorithms and other assessment algorithms such as the proprietory Google PageRank algorithm.
Search Engines are hence able to run PPC engines on top of their search interfaces, the advertising media being based purely on keywords input by users at the time of the search, and users of PPC Advertising services on these search engines have hence become a target for massive levels of spending incurred as a result of there being a serious lack of a 'targeted' and more 'focused' PPC engine that allows users to maximize on their PPC exposure by choosing keywords that they know are in demand, or have received considerable mention on the internet. allows users of its PPC campaigns to access the wealth of its resources dating back chronologically to exactly 14 days from the time of their search. This enables both the viewers of search results as well as PPC advertisers to target their PPC campaigns to a specific set of keyword phrases that are bound to receive public attention no matter what, enabling advertisers to compete better on with a much lower advertiser competition ratio than found on any other search engine.
Users of's search facilities will be able to retrieve a specific subset of information dating back on 14 days, allowing them to immediately benefit from the most up to date and recently mentioned information. Users of the PPC engine will therefore be able to reap the benefits of a highly focused PPC campaign where advertiser competition for a specific set of keywords changes by the minute - it's based on the most recent information coming into our databases by the minute, so there's no chance of the same CPC levels staying for more than a minute either!
The PPC program on offers several key advantages to advertisers.
1.Video Embedding as a PPC Ad - Use a video that is currently online as your PPC ad and have it show up next to search results as the user viewing listings pertaining to your video.
2.Banner Ad as a PPC Ad - Use a 250x250 banner as your PPC ad, as opposed to just text
3.Affiliate Network Friendly - Use hoplinks or affiliate links for your direct linking
4.20% Affiliate Referral Program - Earn 20% of all deposits from people you refer to the Now Relevant PPC program, forever. 2nd Tier earnings at 5% as well.
5.No Traffic Outsourcing - We do not outsource any ad space or take any other advertisers ads for There is minimal chance of phantom clicks or fraud clicks due to this rule. Say goodbye to ad campaigns that received "700 clicks" and no sales or email optins. We only show ads that are put directly on our network and we NEVER outsource your impressions to meet a goal.
Check out NowRelevant in action with some of the latest videos.